
Beall, A. T., & Tracy, J. L. (in press). Evolution of pride and shame. In Workman, L., Reader, W. and Barkow, J. (Eds.) Cambridge Handbook of Evolutionary Perspectives on Human Behavior. PDF

Beall, A. T., & Schaller, M. (2019). Evolution, motivation, and the mating/parenting trade-off. Self and Identity, 18, 39-59. PDF

Hofer, M. K., Buckels, E. E., White, C. J. M., Beall, A. T., & Schaller, M. (2017). Individual differences in activation of the parental care motivational system: An empirical distinction between protection and nurturance. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 10.1177/1948550617728994. PDF

Beall, A. T., & Tracy, J. L. (2017). Emotivational psychology: How distinct emotions facilitate fundamental motives. Social and Personality Psychology Compass, e1203. PDF

Schaller, M., Hofer, M. K., & Beall, A. T. (2017). Evidence that an Ebola outbreak influenced voting preferences, even after controlling (mindfully) for autocorrelation: Reply to Tiokhin and Hruschka (2017). Psychological Science, 0956797617718183.. PDF

Beall, A. T. , Hofer, M. K., & Schaller, M. (2016). Infections and elections: A longitudinal analysis of pre-election data examining the influence of Ebola on the 2014 U.S. federal elections. Psychological Science, 1, e0956797616628861. PDF

Beall, A. T. (2016). Pathogen disgust and perceptions of attractiveness. In Shackelford, T.K. & Weekes-Shackelford, V.A. (Eds.) Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Psychological Science (1-5). Online: Springer International Publishing. PDF

Buckels, E. E., Beall, A. T. Hofer, M. K., Lin, E. Y., Zhou, Z., & Schaller, M (2015). Individual differences in activation of the parental care motivational system: Assessment, prediction, and implications. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 108, 497-514. PDF

Beall, A. T., & Tracy, J. L. (2014). The Puzzling Attractiveness of Male Shame. Evolutionary Psychology, 13, 29-47. PDF

Beall, A. T., & Schaller, M. (2014). Affective Implications of the Mating/Parenting Trade-Off: Short-Term Mating Motives and Desirability as a Short-Term Mate Predict Less Intense Tenderness Responses to Infants. Personality and Individual Differences, 68, 112-117. PDF

Tracy, J. L., & Beall, A. T. (2014). The Impact of Weather on Women's Tendency to Wear Red or Pink when at High Risk for Conception. PloS one, 9, e88852. PDF

Beall, A. T., & Tracy, J. L. (2013). Women more likely to wear red or pink at peak fertility. Psychological Science, 24 , 1837-1841. PDF

Elliot, A. J., Tracy, J. L., Pazda, A. D., & Beall, A. T. (2013). Red enhances women's attractiveness to men: First evidence of universality. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 49, 165-168. PDF

Tracy, J. L., & Beall, A. T. (2011). Happy guys finish last: The impact of emotion expressions on first-impression sexual attraction. Emotion, 11 , 1379-1387. PDF VIDEO

Manuscripts in preparation

Hardisty, D.J., Beall, A.T., Lubowski, R., Petsonk, A., & Romero-Canyas, R. (invited revision). A carbon price by another name may seem sweeter: Consumers prefer upstream offsets to downstream taxes. Journal of Environmental Psychology .

Croft, A., Schmader, T., Beall, A.T., & Schaller, M. (invited revision). Breadwinner seeks bottle warmer: How women's future goals predict their mate preferences. Sex Roles.

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